Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Loving to Move part 1

but first...
Why Exercise?
The benefits of movement are endless... that is because it is something that we were MENT todo. Exercise is not some magic discovery that lowers blood pressure, improves your mood, strengthens your bones or regulates your hormones. We were intended by our Creator to move and thus the "side effects" of exercise help our body function and adapt better. But when we deny ourself this essential element the body can not function to its potential.

Yeah, but exercise is long and painful.
That is a lie that we have been told and we continue to tell ourselves. As a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and working with over weight children it has been my goal to show them that moving is natural and fun. So we need to start with a mind shift. Exercise doesn't have to be long painful sessions on a treadmill, inside, in front of the TV, counting down the minutes until you are done for the day. It can easily fit in naturally to your day and can leave your body and mood in a more desired state than when you started.

fun exercise?!?!
Some of you may already participate in an exercise routine you enjoy and hopefully look forward to. But if not, if your exercise perspective is more like above, you need a big change. We also should evaluate our exercise program to make sure it is giving us the benefits we deserve for its cost (time, money, etc). Through my study of the human body and exercise I have found that high intensity, short duration exercise is the best for our cardiovascular system, muscular skeletal system and hormones. (did you catch that... short duration)

Well for those of you who are more science, "show me the facts people" (like me) you will have to wait. First I want to show you how you can exercise, look forward to it, enjoy the process, fit it into your schedule and do it with kids. This Loving To Move Series will continue over several posts. I want to share with you my favorite workouts and tips and then after you have tried it (oh yeah) I will blow you away with why this easy exercise creates a more ideal metabolic state for getting toned and in better condition.

Want a Challenge?
Take the Loving to Move Challenge. Follow the exercise workouts and tips posted here for the next week and record in a journal how you feel after the exercise, and for the rest of the day. How does if affect your energy, patience, hunger, self confidence, mood, sleep, health problems, etc.

Workout #1: The Park Workout
This is my favorite workout, right now! We go to the park a couple times a week and instead of sitting on the bench watching the kids play and reading a book, I get up and "play" on the equipment with them.

I come up with a combination of upper and lower body movements and high cardio exercises into a set.

15 push ups
15 dips
run up the rock wall
15 squat jump
15 stair jumps
run around the play ground
That is one set. I do it as hard and fast as I can and then rest. You want to let your heart rate come down, about 1-2 minutes. Set a goal for how many sets you want to complete. But remember this is High Intensity, Short Duration. So it is more important to go HARD and do few sets because you are exausted.

Need a visual... (yes you can do it pregnant)

Sometimes I utilize the equipment like with pull ups on the monkey bars, dips off a stair, step ups on the benches or jumping up the stairs. Other times I am just on the equipment, doing lunges on the bridge, squats on the highest level or planks by the slide.

Don't let the other adults at the park intimidate you. Pray that you may be an inspiration to them to get up and move. Or start your own park workout class!

Added Benefit: Becomes a Lifestyle
Taydem and Creighton always end up doing the workout with me. We cheer for each other and give each other high fives. I never ask them to join me or tell them they need to. The park is exercise enough for them. But by them seeing their parents exercise regularly and have fun it creates habits and becomes part of their life also.

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These pictures are staged...I asked them to show me their favorite exercise (I am not sure what Creighton is doing)

Take the challenge and leave a comment on how you did and how your children, or the other children at the park, reacted to an adult on the equipment.

"I just have NO time to workout today" Workout coming on Thursday and practical tips to fit in exercise with a busy schedule.

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