Monday, May 2, 2011

Making a Plan that will Produce Results.

"Planning helps you focus and find practical ways to achieve something amazing, something that seems beyond you and beyond the perceived limits of your abilities." -Dr. Mark Chironna, Live Your Dream

Grab some paper and a pencil. Yes, right now....I'll wait.

Lets Plan
1.Write down your Goal(s)- make sure they are measurable, specific and give each a deadline.
2.Discover your Big WHY
3.Create Action Steps to reach your Goals- Action steps are the path you will follow to get to your goal. 3-5 action steps per goal is best.So they need to be appropriate to produce results.
4.Plan time, write it down, to complete your action steps each day
5.Follow the Plan... Discipline is Freedom

My Plan
1. Goal: Drop 8lb by June 1st. Run 5 miles in less than 37.5 minutes by June 1st. Lose 3 inches around belly by July 1st.

2. Big Why- (I want to do this because I want...) To be a real life example, support and inspiration to my community in health and wellness. I practice (live) what I teach. To live to my God given potential and be healthy and well to serve the Lord all the days of my life.

3. Action Steps-
Drop 8lb by June 1
-maxT3 6 days a week and run 3 days
-Follow the Maximized Living Advance Plan
-Stop snacking after dinner
-Believe I can do it- Focus, Envision, see my Results
-No vacation meals for 30 days

Run 5 miles in less than 37.5 minutes
-Run 3 days a week, progressively work up to 5 miles
-Buy a watch to time myself- May 2nd
-Run at a 7.5 mile a minutes pace

Lose 3 inches in Belly by July 1st
-Continue weight loss action steps until July 1

4. Plan- Make a meal plan for each meal all week. Schedule time to shop, prepare and cook. Do maxT3 before lunch Monday-Saturday. Run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7:30am.  Create a daily check list to keep me on track.


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