Sunday, May 1, 2011

Let's Start a Challenge

I have got a goal... a health and fitness goal! Three and a half months post baby and my weight and my fitness level are not where I want them to be. What about you? Do you have a health and fitness goal you want to reach?

Do you want to lose weight before summer?
Do you want to feel better about the amazing body you were given?
Do you want more energy for your family, spouse, friends, or your mission?
Do you want to get into shape and be more physically active?
Do you need to improve the health and function of your body?

Make a commitment to improve your eating habits, increase your movement, and focus on getting results!

How it works
Leave a comment below that you are joining in on the challenge. -Accountability! Commitment!
Set a goal(s). Create a big WHY.
Choose your level of evolvement (below).
Commit to one week at a time.
Check here daily for tips and inspiration to help keep you on track

Choose a Level to Participate at: Be realistic on where you are but chose a level that will challenge you, draw you out of your comfort zone, push you, and help you reach your goals! If you are a little confused about why some of these guidelines are important... don't worry I will be covering that this coming week!

Level 1: If you are just beginning your journey to a healthier life start here. Adapting these guidelines will help you create healthy habits, improve the healing and function of your body and give you more energy.
-Adding more whole, real, natural foods
-Reducing processed, refined, man altered foods
-Physical movement 3-5 days a week

Level 2: If you want faster results in improving your health and losing weight jump into level 2. Following these guidelines will help you change the shape of your body and restore health to your cells!
-Add more whole, real, natural foods (organic whenever possible)
-Replace processed, refined foods with healthier whole foods
-Remove refined grains and sugars
-Limit fruit and whole grains to before noon
-Physical movement 5 days a week, with 2 resistance exercise sessions

Level 3: Transformation Level. Transform your health, body and life.
-Remove grains and sugars from diet
-Eat 50-80% raw
-Add more whole, real, natural foods (organic whenever possible, especially meat and dairy products)
-Eliminate processed foods
-Physical Movement 6 days a weeks, with 3 days of high intensity resistance movements

Mix and Match- Create your own level to challenge you where you are at right now.


We can do it together!


  1. May Challenge Goal- (1)Lose 8lbs, (2) Trim 3 inches from belly, (3) Be able to run 5 miles in under 37.5 minutes (4) Sustain 75% raw diet

    Action Steps-I am jumping in at Level 3! Run 3 days a weeks. maxT3 6 days a week. No vacation meals! Bring on the Transformation!

    Think Result... See Results... Believe

  2. Deal!

    I want to drop two dress sizes and have more *natural* energy.

    I'm jumping in at level... 2.5? I've been on ML for a bit so I'm familiar with the food I should be eating and, at home, I eat that way. I just don't when I'm out, about, or at work. I'll change that today. Right now. This second. When I'm at work and have food I made at home waiting for me.

    Due to my work schedule I can't work out more than 5 days a week so I'm doing diet from level three and physical from level 2.

    Let's see how well accountability and I get along.

  3. Challenge is ON!

    I am joining starting at Level 2. I've been following the BBG steps and I'm noticing big changes with the way I eat, what my body craves, and what my body needs for energy and what it needs for repair.

    My wedding is June 24th. I am wearing a strapless dress. It fits a little snug right now in the chest area. I am wanting no back cleavage, and to have a little room for my final fitting, to where my seamstress wants to fit it a little tighter. I want to feel lighter on my wedding day, and not be worried about my pudgy arms.

    Please hold me accountable. My fiance and I love late night snacking when we put the kids to bed. It our thing. This week I can go to the gym 3 times and I can do resistance at home every morning.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. I am up for the challenge! I desire to set a good example for my children and teach them a healthy way to live. I am at a point where I need to get my mind off of the idea of being a certain "dress size" because that always seems to be a failing process. So my focus is just on living a healthy life-style with healthy eating habits and exercise. I will be at level two.
    I am very excited and looking forward to the journey of living a healthy life-style. I also feel very blessed to have such wonderful women to experience this journey with!

